
Posted in "vim"

A vim configuration model


I've been a vim user for many years, I tried so many plugins I just can't remember, I changed my vim configuration very often reaching a sort of model that now, with vim 8 and async jobs on stage, I'll ...

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Django debug with vim and vdebug

dbgp debug django python vim

I'm currently re-configuring all my vim stuff, operation which I perform every x months/years. I used to debug django application using pdb and its set_trace method, this time I decided to integrate a debugging tool inside vim as I always did for PHP using xdebug.

I decided (after some other attempts), to use vdebug, which (as described in the ...

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Vim for php programmers

php programming vim

Il succo è questo:
ho scritto due post sul blog della otto (la tanto cara azienda in cui lavoro), in cui illustro come si possa fare per rendere vim un editor perfetto per sviluppare codice php. Allora siccome sarebbe inutile ripetere qui le stesse cose e soprattutto non ne ho voglia, vi linko semplicemente i due post in questione, buona lettura.

Vim for php programmers parte 1

Vim for php programmers parte 2

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